No | Authors | Title | Journals | Volume Issue Page No | Impact Factor By JCR | Year |
1 | Prof. Patil K. R. Miss.Narkhede Swapnal Miss. NavadeVarsha Prof. Sapkale P. V. Prof. Dr. Deshmukh T. A. | Development of RP HPLC Method For Simultaneous Estimation and Validation for Atorvastatin and Fenofibrate in Bulk and Tablet Dosage form | Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 5(2) 3776-3784 | 5.09 IC | Dec 2015 |
2 | Prof. Sapkale P. V. Prof. Patil A. V.
| Thiazoles as An Anticancer Agents An Overview | Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 6(10) 6648 |
| Oct 2016 |
3 | Mr. K. V. Sonar
| Development and Validation of UV Spectroscopy Method for Estimation of Lamivudine in Tablet dosage form | International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research | 9(6) 86-89 | 4.510 | Oct 2017
4 | Mr. Moon A. D. Mr. Patil Rohit Mr.SapkaleChaityana Prof SapkalePrabodh ProfT. D. Fegade Prof.Dr. Deshmukh T. A.
| Approaches to Transungal Delivery: A Review | American Journal of Pharmtech Research | 7(3) 69-77 | 2.6 | May2017 |
5 | Miss Attarde J. K. Miss Changre H. V. Mr. Shaikh F. A. Prof. Fegade T. D. Prof. Sapkale P. V. Prof. Dr. Deshmukh T. A.
| Needless Injection System An Overview | Indo American Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research | 7(4) 8194-8206 |
| April 2017 |
6 | Miss Jawale N. R. Mr. Bhangale C. D. Prof. Chaudhari M. A. Dr. Deshmukh T. A. | Physical Approches to Trasdermal Drug Dilivery : A Review | Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics | 7(4) 28-35 |
| May 2017 |
7 | Mr. Baviskar H. P Mr. Dhake G. T Mr.Kasai M. A Mr. Chaudhari N. B | Review of Piper Betle | RJPP ISSN 0975-2331 | 9(2) 128-134 |
| June 2017 |
8 | Miss Jawale N. R. Mr. Patil S. R. Mr. Moon A. D. Miss Murkute P. S. Prof. Patil K. R. Prof. Dr. Deshmukh T. A. | Development and Validation of RP-HPLC method for the Analysis of Carmibazole in Bulk and Marketed Formulations | American Journal of Pharmtech Research | 8(2) 242-249 | 0.983 JCR | April 2018 |
9 | Mr. HarshadRatan Patil Mrs.JayshriNavade Mr.Nilesh B Chaudhari Mr. Tushar A Deshmukh | Review On Standardization Of Herbal Drug |
SPER Journal of Analysis and Drug Regulatory Affairs | 2(2) 37-43 |
| Apr 2017 |
10 |
Mr. Kalpesh Sonar Mrs.DeepaPurohit |
Therapeutic Effect of Flavonoids As Anti-Inflammatory Agents |
World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences |
5(12), 532-543. | 6.04 | Nov 2016 |
11 |
Mr. Samir Patil, Miss. Mrs.SayaliLokhande, Mr. Mr.Tejas Mahajan, Dr. Mr.Tushar Deshmukh |
Effect Of Superdisintegrants On In-Vitro Drug Release Of Aceclofenac And Paracetamol Tablet |
Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
6(1) 4166-4173 |
| Jan 2016 |
12 | Mr. Barange R.M Miss Porwar N.A Mr.Bhagat M.M Dr. Deshmukh T.A | Application of Nanotechnology in cancer A Review | World journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science | 8,11,745-752 | – | Oct 2019 |
13 | Miss Chaudhari J.P Miss Porwar N.A Miss Kuwar K Dr. Deshmukh T.A | Spectrophotometric method for simultaneous estimation of Acebrophylline and Montelukast in bulk and marketed formulation by UV-Spectrophotoscopy | World journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science | 8,11,1094-1101 | – | Oct 2019 |
14 | Mr. Patil P.M Miss Porwar N.A Miss. Shinde D.G Dr. Deshmukh T.A | Production of citric acid by Asergillus Niger using water hyacinth | World journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science | 8,11,1168-1178 | – | Oct 2019 |
15 | Mr. Patil K.R Dr. Deshmukh T.A Dr. Patil V.R
| A stability indicating HPTLC method development and validation for analysis of vildagliptin as bulk drug and from its pharmaceutical dosage form | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research | 11,5,2310-2316 | – | May 2020
16 | Mr. N.B. Chaudhari Dr. VachaspatiDubey | Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Indian Medicinal Plant AltentheraFicoidea and PoianthesTuberosa for anti-Diabetic Activity | Journal of advance and scholarly research in allied education (JASRAE) | Vol 19 Issue 4 453-456 | 3.46 | Jul 2022 |
17 | Mr. N.B. Chaudhari Dr. VachaspatiDubey | Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Ethanobotanical based pharmaceutical Evaluation of some Indian Medicinal Plant | Airo International journal | Vol 4 Issue 3 259-270 | 10.1 | Dec 2022 |