Code of Conduct
For Students
For Library
For Students for Examination
For Junior Supervisors
For Teaching, non-teaching and supporting Staff
For Teaching Staff
For Principal
For Governing Body
For Visitors
For Students
Student must
Do, s-
- Wear the duly authenticated college Identity card provided by the college, in campus and produce the same whenever demanded by appropriate authorities for the purpose of verification or other-wise.
- Students should report into the class room in complete college uniform and in presentable attire.
- Attend all the academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities regularly as per the time tables and notifications.
- Maintain at least stipulated 80% attendance as per the University norms and college notification.
- Follow the proper procedure for availing any type of leave.
- Check and carefully note the communications in all notices displayed regularly on the notice boards.
- Comply with student charter displayed in the college premises.
- Comply with the rules and regulations of college and University elections.
- Give standing ovation whenever national anthem and is played on the campus and off the campus and maintain dignity of the National flag.
- Pay college and university fees within the stipulated timeline and follow the proper process for the same.
- Attend all the meetings organized by various mandatory committees of the college where ever you have representation.
- Follow all the safety instructions in the college as notified.
- Follow the written procedure for cancellation or transfer of admission to and fro the college.
- Place written application in the college proforma for obtaining any kind of certificates, fee structure and original documents and other relevant documents.
- Follow proper procedure for issue, use and disposal of consumables in the laboratory.
- Clear dues of breakage, library fine and submit duly filled no dues/clearance form as and when notified.
- Students should park their vehicles only in the specified parking zone allotted to them.
- It is mandatory to keep Mobile phones on the switch off mode/ `Silent mode’ in the college premises.
- Submit the photocopies of documents like Adhar card. PAN card and bank details and photographs, pharmacist registration for routine administrative procedures within the stipulated time.
- Use of internet facility of college for academic and research purposes only.
- Behave decently with teachers, staff and with fellow students and must maintain dignity of individual.
- Not indulge in any act of ragging as per the Maharashtra prohibition of ragging Act 1999 and clauses 3, 7 and 9.I of UGC on curbing of the Menace of ragging in the Higher Educational Institution 2009.
- Not indulge in any act of sexual harassment as per the provisions of University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Reddressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015.
- Not make any racial, abusive remarks on fellow students, teachers and staff.
- Not unnecessarily wander in the institute premises skipping any academic commitment.
- Not indulge in any of the activities of off-campus associations without permission of the college authority.
- Not indulge in any act of plagiarism as notified by university.
- Not consume any substance with potential of abuse and/or addiction.
- Not spit in the premises and put all the waste materials in the dustbins provided for the same.
- Not organize and/or participate in tours. Visits without authorization.
- Not indulge in notorious, criminal activities as a individual or as a part of group.
- Not carry any expensive gadgets, jewellery and other valuables to the college.
- Not indulge in any professional malpractice using registration certificate of the Pharmacy council.
- Not do intentional damage to any of the college and campus property.
- Not throw leftovers of food or coffee/ tea containers, chocolates, chips wrappers in the classrooms or corridor.
- Not organize or participate in any unauthorized cultural or political functions in the
College premises
- Not write on walls, doors, trees, toilets, desks or paste any unauthorized posters in the College premises.
- Any act of theft of either college property or belongings of staff or student will invite serious disciplinary action.
- Not possess any forbidden materials such as, alcoholic drinks, narcotic substances obscene videos, pictures, photographs either for personnel use or for distribution.
Rules for Parking
- Students should park their vehicles only in the specified parking zone allotted by the campus authorities.
- Make use of vehicle horn only when essential.
For Library
- All students should enter their names & sign in the “Student Visitor Register” while entering the library. Faculty members and visitors should make an entry in staff register.
- The students should keep their bags in the baggage section and not in the reading room.
- Students and faculty members should preserve their belongings or valuables. In case of loss he/she would be solely responsible.
- All students must use their library card & student card in order to avail the library facilities.
- Issued books must be submitted on or before of submission dates.
- Do not display any circulars/notices on library notice board without taking prior permission from the librarian.
- Do not write / scribble on any furniture or wall of the library. Any student found doing so will be penalized.
- The schedule of Books issue will be as under:
- Library Working Hours is one hours before and after college time
- Between library operations lunch time is 30 minutes in time.
- Reference books will be available only in reading room and issued on the student card. Students are not allowed to take a reference book outside.
- For B. Pharm. students: two books can be issued for seven days.
- For the faculty members: fifteen books can be issued for fifteen days.
- For renewal purpose: student will have to be present in person along with the book.
- The renewal of book will be done only once.
- Those students who are appearing for competitive exam (GATE/TOEFL/MBA/GRE etc): two books can be issued.
- Journals / Periodicals cannot be taken outside the Library.
- If books are not returned or renewed within the specific date, fine per day will be collected from student.
- Some reference books (Except Pharmacopoeia & Govt. Publications) can be issued on an overnight or weekend basis to students and faculty members.
- If library book is lost by the borrower, he/she will have to pay twice the amount of the original cost of book or replace the book.
- Mishandling, tearing of books or underlining with pen or pencil will not be tolerated.
- All Journals / Periodicals should be kept in their respective place after use.
- Students are not supposed to remove the newspaper from newspaper stands.
- Do not enter into the stack room without prior permission.
- All borrowers should obey the above-mentioned rules.
For Students for Examination
- Check the examination date sheet carefully. Make sure you know the correct date, time and block of your exams.
- Arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of examination. As you enter show your Student ID card.
- College uniform is compulsory for examination.
- You are not allowed to bring your mobile phones to the Examination centre.
- Bring your Student Admit Card and ID card both during the examination. You will not be allowed to enter the examination hall without these.
- Place your Student ID card on your desk next to your admit card.
- Listen carefully to instructions. Students are required to comply with the instructions of invigilators at all times.
- Do not bring any unauthorized material (e.g. written notes, notes in dictionaries, paper, and sticky tape eraser etc.). Avoid taking Pencil cases and glasses cases to your desks.
- Answer sheets may be given to you 15 minutes prior to start of examination, so that you can check any discrepancy in the answer sheet. Read the instructions written on front sheet of your answer sheet and fill the data carefully. Do not write name, roll no.etc on the other pages of answer sheet except the front page.
- Normally, you are required to answer questions using blue or black ink. Make sure you bring some spare pens with you.
- You are not allowed to borrow any material especially calculator or log books etc from each other.
- You are not allowed to leave the examination rooms in the first halftime.
- No candidate should be allowed to enter the examination centre 30 mins after the start of examination.
- Ensure that you use the washroom before arriving for your exam as you will not be permitted to leave during the exam time.
- Stop writing immediately when the invigilator says it is the end of the examination.
- Leave the examination hall quickly and quietly. Remember to take all your belongings with you.
- You must remain silent until after you have exited the building.
- No supplementary answer book/continuation sheet will be provided.
For Junior Supervisors
- Report to the College Exam Department 30 minutes before the start of the examination on the day you have been assigned the duty of junior supervisor.
- Collect answer books, attendance report and block reports from stationary supervisor and check the stationary.
- You must reach exam hall before 15 minutes of starting of exam and instruct the students to occupy their seats with respect to their examination numbers.
- Instruct the students not to indulge in unfair means else liable to be punished as per KBCNMU rules.
- Instruct student that any type of printed material / hand written material, mobile phone, smart watch, pager, or programmable calculator are not to be kept during exanimation time.
- Instruct student to check the Bench carefully before seating in examination.
- Distribute answer books to students 15 minutes before the examination time.
- Instruct the students to fill in the required details on main answer books without mistake.
- Distribute Question Paper as per time given in time table.
- Check hall tickets of the students, and sign hall ticket with respect to subject of examination,
- If you find any student without examination hall ticket, immediately inform the Senior Supervisor on duty for your respective block.
- Verify the detail entered by the students in answer book and then sign in marked place. The details you need to check are: Candidate Examination Number (Both in digits), sign of student, Name of the Examination, Subject, Subject code, Center code, Date and Time, circle to proper number.
- Do not allow any student to leave the examination hall before 30 minutes after commencement of examination.
- Do not allow any student to enter the examination hall after 30 minutes of commencement of examination.
- Fill in the details in all reports including answer book number and examination number allotted to students.
- Take signature of students in attendance report.
- In case of unfair means,(copy case), immediately inform the Senior Supervisor on duty for your respective block. Get their statement also and it is to be submitted to Centre coordinator.
- Rejoin your duty within 15 to 20 minutes during the time of reliving.
- Instruct the students to no supplementary will provide during examination.
- Do not allow any student to leave the examination hall in last ten minutes of examination
- Collect the main answer books and check the details filled in by students.
- Take signature for verification of details by your External and Internal Senior supervisor.
- Mention the details of present numbers, absent numbers and unfair means numbers in
- Junior Supervisor report.
- Count answer book and verify that it is equal to the number of students present in the block. Submit the answer books in office to concern senior supervisor.
- Always take care that students do not leave examination hall without submitting answer book. If it happens then it will be the sole responsibility of the supervisor and the UFM case is to be registered as well as FIR is to be filed against the student.
- It is the responsibility of the junior supervisor to submit all answer books of the examinees along with reports to institute exam office immediately after completion of the examination.
- In case of leave, you must inform the examination coordinator before two days, with
- Substitute arrangement being made, to the extent possible.
- In case of any problem during examination hours inform to senior supervisor of the respective block.
For Teaching, non-teaching and supporting Staff
- Every employee shall, at all times, maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty and do nothing which is unbecoming of an employee of an educational institution.
- Every employee shall abide by and comply with the rules and regulations of the institution and all orders and directions of his/her superior authorities.
- Every employee shall extend utmost courtesy and attention to all persons with whom he/she is to deal in with the course of his/her duties.
- Every employee shall endeavor to promote the interest of the college and shall not act in any manner prejudicial thereto.
- No employee shall engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or undertake any other employment. For undertaking honorary work of a social and charitable nature or work of a literary, artistic or scientific character the employee shall obtain prior permission of the authority.
- An employee of the college shall strictly abide by any law relating to intoxicating drink or drug in force in any area in which he may happen to be for the time being and not to be under the influence of any intoxicating drink or drug during the course of his duty and shall also take due care that the performance of his duties at any time is not affected in any way by the influence of such drink or drug.
- Obligation to maintain secrecy: Every employee shall maintain the utmost secrecy regarding the colleges affairs and the affairs of its constituents and shall not divulge, directly or indirectly, any information of confidential nature either to a member of the public or of the colleges staff, unless compelled to do so by a judicial or other authority or unless instructed to do so by a superior officer in the discharge of his duties.
- An employee of the college shall not, without the prior permission of the Secretary, engage in any trade or business or adventure by himself or through any member of his family, undertake, accept, engage, solicit or seek any outside employment or office while on duty or on leave, whether stipendiary or honorary.
- No employee of the College shall enter into any partnership, accept any fees, endowment or commission whatsoever from any part other than the College, except with the prior permission of the secretary.
For Teaching Staff
Duties of teaching staff
- Conduct regular classes for the entire course assigned, as per the academic time table.
- Inform students about course objectives
- Be prepared for the class.
- Be punctual in the class, laboratory.
- Make arrangements for alternative instruction and inform the head of the department to arrange for timely notification of students, in case of absenteeism
- Take up other responsibilities as required.
- Participate in the decision-making, curriculum development, and assessment process of the department and the college.
- Make every effort to work cooperatively with members of other departments and with the administrators of the college respecting appropriate deadlines established by various committee in-charges.
- Use modem tools of teaching to make the lectures more interesting (Audio/ Visual Aids).
- Complete the syllabus in stipulated time.
- Conduct all the examinations as per the scheduled time table and evaluate all the examinations in the stipulated time.
For Principal
- Always maintain channels of communication with the management, students, staff and all the stakeholders.
- Follow all protocols for formal conduct at various in house functions and in the society.
- Plans utilization of the resources in optimum manner.
- Must uphold high ethical standards.
- Make decision based on the facts and in the greatest interest of the college and student community.
- Make proper use of authorities.
- Do not make misuse of the position and privilege.
- Do not make discrimination of any sort such as gender, race etc.
- Honour all the administrative. Academic and social commitments.
- Provide healthy work environment.
- Review overall conduct of academic, research and collaborative activities regularly.
- Develop and execute strategic plan in compliance with the mission and vision.
For Governing Body
- Follow norms and standards for establishment and development of acadernic institution.
- Establish and uphold high standards and professional ethics in all the areas of business.
- Due representation to all the stakeholders in policy framing
- Maintain transparencies in the policy and financial matters.
For Visitors
- The College campus is under CCTV surveillance.
- Inform your arrival in the Security agencies and make entry in sign in out Book.
- Do not angry with the security Personal’s they are assisting you for your required.
- Park Your vehicle in parking area only.
- Our College campus is environment friendly and therefore do not bring any polythene /carry bag in the campus.
- Smoking/Chewing Tobacco is Strictly Prohibited in the campus area.
- Splitting in the campus punishable offence.
- Litter waste material in the dustbin near to you.
- The use of any form of Camera/I Pad /Mobile Phone is prohibited while on College Campus.
- For necessary official work in college campus are office staff will be available for your health
- For meeting with Principal get the permission from Reception Counter.
- In case of any requirement please do not hesitate to dial 94037 10774, 94037 39090.