Admission Guidelines
Centralized on-line admission process for B. Pharmacy (First Year), Direct Second Year B. Pharmacy. is governed by State Common Entrance Test Cell, Directorate of Technical Education Maharashtra every year. To participate in admission process students must have to appear for MHT CET.
- Candidate should be an Indian National
- Should have passed the HSC (Std.XII) examination of MSBSHSE or its equivalent examination.
- With subjects English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology /Mathematics and secured minimum 50% marks.
- Minimum 45% in case of candidates of Backward class categories belonging to Maharshtra State only.
- Obtained non zero score in Physics, Chemistry and Biology / Mathematics at MHT-CET.
- The rules regarding cancellation of admission and refund of fees shall be as described by DTE, Mumbai brochure MHT CET.
- Application for the cancellation of admission institute will be considered if and only if the candidate has taken admission institute by paying full fees and has submitted all required documents / certificates / undertaking / affidavit in originals at the time of admission.
- The rules regarding cancellation of admission and refund of fees shall be as described by DTE, Mumbai brochure MHT CET.
- The candidate CET. If the cancellation is done after cut-off date, the student shall pay full course fee. (i.e Four years fee for the candidate admitted in First Year Pharmacy is required to apply in the proforma – O as given in DTE, Mumbai brochure MHT. Three years fee for the candidates admitted in Direct Second Year Pharmacy)